Greater social awareness is needed to invest in innovative and sustainable technologies to treat human-generated waste, including water.
BLOG | Bluephage Greater social awareness is needed to invest in innovative and sustainable technologies to treat human-generated waste, including water. Bluephage promotes the sustainability of the water cycle by ensuring the microbiological safety of wastewater. The...
WHO warns on AMR to be one of the top 10 threats to global public health
BLOG | Bluephage WHO warns on AMR to be one of the top 10 threats to global public health Bluephage’s technology solutions can help prevent waterborne diseases. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites change over time...
Bluephage successfully closes its crowdfunding round beating its initial goal by 114% and raising €916,714 in just one month.
BLOG | Bluephage Bluephage successfully closes its crowdfunding round beating its initial goal by 114% and raising €916,714 in just one month. Last October, the biotech company Bluephage launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to launch its patented technology...
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