US-EPA Easy Kit & Material
The US-EPA Easy Kit is specially crafted to take away the tedious and drawn out process of the US-EPA standardised protocols for the detection and enumeration of both somatic and F-specific coliphages.
US-EPA Easy Kit & Material
The US-EPA Easy Kit is specially crafted to take away the tedious and drawn out process of the US-EPA standardised protocols for the detection and enumeration of both somatic and F-specific coliphages.
Bluephage US-EPA Easy Kits
Our specially developed US-EPA Easy kits (BP1609 and BP1619) are designed to eliminate the tedious and time-consuming process of the standardized US-EPA 1642 and US-EPA 1643 protocols for the detection and enumeration of somatic and F-specific coliphages.
These kits are an all-in-one kits:
10 assays
TSA & TSB ready to use
Biological Materials calibrated and ready to use (host strain and positive control included).

Bluephage Easy Kit for Enumeration of Somatic Coliphages
Bacteriophage: Somatic Coliphages
Method: US-EPA 1602, 1642 and 1643
This detection and enumeration kit is based on US-EPA 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods. It contains all the consumables and biological material required to perform the analysis, including freeze-dried specific host-cells for the somatic coliphage group, which are ready for use after 120 min of incubation.
TSA and TSB ready to use
Host strain (CN13) and positive control included (ɸX174)
Additional material required and not provided in the Kit:
• Sterile Petri dishes

Raw and treated wastewater, surface water, drinking water, recreational water, shelfish extracts, sedimetns, and sludge extracts.
Sample volume: 100 mL
Number of assays: 10 assays
Product code: BP1609

Bluephage Easy Kit for Enumeration of F-specific Coliphages
Bacteriophage: F-specific Coliphages
Method: US-EPA 1602, 1642 and 1643
This detection and enumeration kit is based on US-EPA 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods. It contains all the consumables and biological material required to perform the analysis, including freeze-dried specific host-cells for the F-specific coliphage group, which are ready for use after 120 min of incubation.
TSA and TSB ready to use
Host strain (HS) and positive control included (MS2)
Additional material required and not provided in the Kit:
• Sterile Petri dishes

Raw and treated wastewater, surface water, drinking water, recreational water, shelfish extracts, sediments, and sludge extracts
Sample volume: 100 mL
Number of assays: 10 assays
Product code: BP1619

Biological Materials
When only biological materials are required, our solution of calibrated and ready to use materials will help you to perform the coliphage analysis. Bluephage offers calibrated ready to use host strain working culture and reference bacteriophage positive control. Available for the enumeration of both somatic and F-specific coliphages.

BP1629: Host strain for the enumeration of somatic coliphages
(Usable with the US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
BP1631: Host strain for the enumeration of F-specific coliphages
(Usable with the US-EPA 1601 and the US-EPA 1602 methods)
BP1626: Positive control for the enumeration of somatic coliphages
(Usable with ISO 10705-2 method, US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
BP1627: Positive control for the enumeration of F-specific coliphages
(Usable with ISO 10705-1 method, US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
BP1629: Host strain for the enumeration of somatic coliphages
(Usable with the US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
Somatic Coliphages
Method: US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643
This host strain has been designed for its use in the detection and enumeration of somatic coliphages according to the to the US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods. This reference material consists of the host strain E.coli working culture ready to use.
It can be used with the Enumeration of Somatic Coliphage (Kit Cat. No. BP1609)or for other analytic applications according to customer needs.
20 units host strain E.coli CN13
Product code: BP1629
BP1631: Host strain for the enumeration of F-specific coliphages
(Usable with the US-EPA 1601, US-EPA 1642, 1643 and the US-EPA 1602 methods)
F-specific coliphages
Method: US-EPA 1601 and 1602, US-EPA 1642 and 1643
This host strain has been designed for its use in the detection and enumeration of F-specific coliphages according to the US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods. This reference material consists of the host strain E.coli working culture ready to use.
It can be used with the Enumeration of F-specific Coliphage (Kit Cat. No. BP1619) or for other analytic applications according to customer needs.
20 units host strain E.coli HS
Product code: BP1631
BP1626: Positive control for the enumeration of somatic coliphages
(Usable with ISO 10705-2 method, US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
Somatic Coliphages
Method: ISO 10705-2, US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643
This positive control has been designed for its use in the detection and enumeration of somatic coliphages according to the ISO 10705-2,US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods. This reference material consists of the reference bacteriophage φX174 to be used as positive control.
It can be used with the Enumeration of Somatic Coliphages Kit (Kit Cat. No. BP1601 & BP1609), the Enumeration of Somatic Coliphages in Drinking Water Kit (Cat. No. BP1604) or for customer needs.
20 units reference bacteriophage φX174
Product code: BP1626
BP1627: Positive control for the enumeration of F-specific coliphages
(Usable with ISO 10705-1 method, US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
F-specific Coliphages
Method: ISO 10705-1, US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643
This positive control has been designed for its use in the detection and enumeration of F-specific coliphages according to the ISO-10705-1,US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods. This reference material consists of the reference bacteriophage MS2 to be used as positive control.
It can be used with the Enumeration of F-specific Coliphage (BP1609), or for other analytic applications according to customer needs.
20 units reference bacteriophage MS2
Product code: BP1627

Biological Kits US-EPA
Bluephage offers calibrated ready to use host strain working culture and reference bacteriophage positive control. Available for the enumeration of both somatic and F-specific coliphages.
BP1608: Biological material for the enumeration of somatic coliphages
(Usable with US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
BP1618: Biological material for the enumeration of F-specific coliphages
(Usable with US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
BP1608: Biological material for the enumeration of somatic coliphages
(Usable with US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
Somatic Coliphages
Method: US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643
This kit has been designed for its use in the detection and enumeration of somatic coliphages according to the to the US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods. This reference material kit contains the host strain E.coli working culture ready to use and the reference bacteriophage φX174 to be used as positive control.
It can be used with the Enumeration of Somatic Coliphage (Kit Cat. No. BP1609) or for other analytic applications according to customer needs.
10 units host strain E.coli CN 13 and 10 units reference bacteriophage φX174.
Product code: BP1608
BP1618: Biological material for the enumeration of F-specific coliphages
(Usable with US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods)
F-specific Coliphages
Method: US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643
This kit has been designed for its use in the detection and enumeration of F-specific coliphages according to the US-EPA 1601, 1602, 1642 and 1643 methods. This reference material kit contains the host strain E.coli working culture ready to use and the reference bacteriophage MS2 to be used as positive control.
It can be used with the Enumeration of F-specific Coliphage (Kit Cat. No. BP1619) or for other analytic applications according to customer needs.
10 units host strain E.coli HS and 10 units reference bacteriophage MS2.
Product code: BP1618